Hair Restoration: What to Expect

5:48 PM

Like every field of surgery, the treatment of hair loss is a constantly evolving field. Today?s surgeons offer new developments, new findings in research, new medications, and a long resume of experience. There are many reasons that a patient may consult with a hair loss surgeon for a hair restoration procedure. Nevertheless, almost all patients have the same expectations: they wish to look the way they did prior to their hair loss.

Cosmetic surgery, although it?s been highlighted as glamorous and trendy, is anything but a stroll in the park. These procedures are long, often painful, and very costly. Many patients are under the impression that they?ll walk in the door bald and walk out with a thick head of hair the same day. Unfortunately, that?s not the case. Hair transplants can take several weeks, sometimes months. It?s a slow process with a lot of healing between appointments.

Why would someone undergo a cosmetic procedure? There are several reasons. Some patients aren?t satisfied with their own current ?look.? Some patients aren?t satisfied with the opinions others may have about their current ?look.? Whatever the reasons are for such a procedure, patients should research several surgeons before selecting a surgeon. Never take blind referrals. The advice from a colleague or friend is great, as long as they have had such a procedure completed by the same surgeon.

Patients need to be realistic when it comes to their expected results. What can and can not be done largely depends on your age and current medical condition. Most people desire to ?look younger.? That?s a very natural response! We all want to find the fountain of youth. But ask yourself honestly: will hair restoration actually make you look younger? If you?re, let?s say, a sixty year old woman who has fine wrinkles around your mouth and forehead, puffy eyes, and rough skin from years of sun?will you be content with hair restoration. Are you trying to change your hair or your overall appearance?

Unfortunately, cosmetic surgery can often lead a patient to pursue a chain of surgeries. What may start as one procedure, can branch into several completely unrelated procedures. The patient is temporarily pleased with their ?new look? until they find another ?flaw? to correct. As we stated earlier?expect realistic results. It?s important that you create a bond of trust with your surgeon. They most certainly will keep anything you say confidential.

Your frankness and honesty are essential. List all medical treatments, hospitalizations, and allergies that you have or have had in the past. Something that happened in 1992 may not seem relevant to you, but it may be of importance to your doctor.

About The Author

Jen Carter is staff writer for Inhairit - creator of a female and male hair loss treatment program at, and has written hundreds of articles and tips about dealing with hair loss. For more hair care tips and articles, visit